'You Are Here' - Personalised map of Hackney Borough in light teal
'HomeWhere' maps are beautiful, unique maps of your local area with the location of your home marked with a 'YOU ARE HERE' arrow.
This is a perfect house warming present and a beautiful print for any home within Hackney.
How it works
Just choose the size you want - A4 (297mm x 210mm) , A3 (420mm x 297mm), A2 (594mm x 420mm) or A1 (840mm x 594mm), select the colour map you like (if you want the alternative version on a white background, please go back to the other listing in the products section) and then purchase.
We'll then make your unique map tailored to your post code and house number of your delivery address - we'll even send a proof before printing it to ensure we have the perfect spot. On your approval we'll complete the print and send it to you.
If this is a gift for an address other than the delivery address please let us know the intended postcode and house number and street (in the 'Notes or Instructions' box in the checkout stage).
Our posters are printed on high quality, thick 270 gsm matte stock.
Please allow five to seven working days for delivery after proof approval.